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2023                         Taiwan Association for Coating and Thin Film Technology (TACT) 2023 Thin Films Conference and Exhibition, Taipei,                                             Taiwan.

                                 Symposium and Session Chair.

2021                         Taiwan Association for Coating and Thin Film Technology (TACT) 2021 Thin Films Conference and Exhibition, Taipei,                                             Taiwan.

                                 Symposium and Session Chair.

2021                         2021 Materials Research Society-Taiwan International Conference (2021 MRSTIC), Taipei, Taiwan.

                                 Symposium and Session Chair.

2019                         International Thin Films Conference and Exhibition, Taipei, Taiwan.

                                 Symposium and Session Chair.

2019                         Light Conference: International Conference on Optics in Materials, Energy, and Technologies (ICOMET) 2019, Tainan,                                             Taiwan

                                 Organizer and Session Chair, Special Symposium “Toward to the New Territory of Materials Science and Technology”

2017                         International Union of Materials Research Societies International Conference in Asia (IUMRS-ICA), Taipei, Taiwan.

                                 Organizer, Symposium B2

2017                         International Thin Films Conference and Exhibition, Hualien, Taiwan.

                                 General Secretary

2017                         Taiwan Ceramic Annual Meeting, Tainan, Taiwan.


2016                         Taiwan Association for Coating and Thin Film Technology (TACT)

                                 2016 Thin Films Conference and Exhibition, Pengtung, Taiwan.

                                 General Secretary

2016                         5th International Solvothermal & Hydrothermal Association Conference (ISHA), Tainan, Taiwan

                                 Steering and Funding committee

2016                         International Conference on Micro/Nano Optical Engineering-Taiwan (ICOME-T2016), Tainan, Taiwan.

                                 Scientific and Program committee

2015                         Taiwan Association for Coating and Thin Film Technology (TACT)

                                 2015 International Thin Films Conference and Exhibition, Tainan, Taiwan.

                                 Symposium F Organizer/Chair (General subjects related to thin films and coatings)

2013                         Taiwan Association for Coating and Thin Film Technology (TACT) 2013
                                 International Thin Films Conference and Exhibition, Taipei,Taiwan.

                                 Symposium F Organizer/Chair (General subjects related to thin films nd coatings)

2013                         International Union of Materials Research Societies International Conference in Asia (IUMRS-ICA), Qingdao, China.

                                 Organizer, Symposium D (Soft Processing for Advanced Inorganic Materials)

2012                         International Conference of Young Researchers on Advanced Materials (ICYRAM), Singapore.

                                 Member of Panel Discussion, Session Electronic Materials (EM2):  Metal Oxides

2011                         Taiwan Association for Coating and Thin Film Technology (TACT) 2011
                                 International Thin Films Conference and Exhibition, Pingtung, Taiwan.

                                 Organizer, Sessions Chair

2011                         International Union of Materials Research Societies International Conference in Asia (IUMRS-ICA), Taipei, Taiwan.

                                 General Secretary, Symposium B3

2011-2012                Promotion Center for Global Materials Research (PCGMR) International Symposium, Tainan, Taiwan.

                                 General Secretary and Session Chair.

2009                         Materials Research Society (MRS) Spring Conference, San Francisco, CA.

                                 Session Chair, Symposium G: High-Throughput Synthesis and Measurement Methods for
                                 Rapid Optimization and Discovery of Advanced Materials.

2009                         Summer Undergraduate Research Fellowships (SURF) Colloquium,
                                 National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST), Gaithersburg, MD.

                                 Session Chair




2016                         Taiwan Association for Coating and Thin Film Technology (TACT)

                                 2016 International Thin Films Conference and Exhibition, Tainan, Taiwan.                                

2015                         Materials Research Society- Taiwan

                                 Annual Meeting 2015, Kaohsiung, Taiwan.

2015                         Taiwan Association for Coating and Thin Film Technology (TACT)

                                 2015 International Thin Films Conference and Exhibition, Tainan, Taiwan.

2013                         Taiwan Association for Coating and Thin Film Technology (TACT)

                                 2013 International Thin Films Conference and Exhibition, Taipei, Taiwan.


2023                        Thin Solid Films (ISSN 0040-6090)

                                Managing guest editor

2021                        Thin Solid Films (ISSN 0040-6090)

                                Guest Editor

2019                        Surface and Coatings Technology (ISSN 0257-8972)

                                Guest Editor

2018                        Materials Science: Advanced Composite Materials

                                Editorial Boards

2017                        SciFed Nanotech Research Letters


2016                        Coatings (ISSN 2079-6412)

                                Special issue on "Combinatorial Thin Film"

                                Guest Editor

2015                        Universal Journal of Materials Science (ISSN 2331-6705)

                                Invited Reviewer

2013                        Surface and Coatings Technology (ISSN 0257-8972)

                                Guest Editor




2010-present          J. The American Ceramic Society, European Journal of Inorganic  Chemistry, Applied Surface science, Arabian Journal of Chemistry,                                   Journal of Materials Science: Materials in Electronics, J. Vacuum Science Technology A, Journal of Alloys and Compounds, Surface                                     and Coating Technology, Transaction on Nanotechnology, CrystEngComm, Crystal Growth & Design, ACS Combinatorial Science,                                     ACS Applied Nano Materials, ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, Nanoscale Research Letters, Environmental Science &                                                   Technology,Chemical Communications, RSC Advances, Nature Communications, Nano Energy, Chemical Engineering Journal,                                           Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research, Journal of Physics and Chemistry of Solids, Current Nanoscience


2023                          International Conference on Metallurgical Coatings and Thin Films (ICMCTF) 2023, San Diego, CA, USA

                                  “High-Throughput Methodology for The Realization of High-Entropy Sub-nm Equivalent-Oxide-Thickness High-Dielectric-Constant

                                  Ba(Ti,Zr,Ta,Hf,Mo)O3 Film-Based Metal-Oxide-Semiconductor-Related Devices.”

2023                          4th International Workshop on Advanced Materials and Nanotechnology (IWAMN-2023), Thai Nguyen city, Vietnam.

2019                          EMN Barcelona Meeting on Semiconductor 2019, Spain.       

                                 “Combinatorial Sputtering of Piezoelectric Nitride Thin Films and Their Advanced Applications”

2019                          International Conference on Metallurgical Coatings and Thin Films (ICMCTF), San Diego, CA, USA

                                 “Study of orthorhombic ZnSnN2 fabricated using Zn–Sn3N4 composition spreads through combinatorial reactive sputtering”

2018                          The 14th Cross-strait Seminar Thin-film Science and Technology, Kunming, China

                                 “Fabrication of TiO2–Reduced Graphene Oxide Nanorod Composition Spreads Using Combinatorial Hydrothermal Synthesis and                                         Their Photocatalytic and Photoelectrochemical Applications”

2018                          4th World Congress on Materials Science & Engineering, London, UK

                                 “Fabrication of TiO2–Reduced Graphene Oxide Nanorod Composition Spreads Using Combinatorial Hydrothermal Synthesis and                                         Their Photocatalytic and Photoelectrochemical Applications”

2018                          Light Conference: International Conference on Optics in Materials, Energy, and Technologies (ICOMET) 2018, Taitung,                                            Taiwan

                                 “Fabrication of TiO2–Reduced Graphene Oxide Nanorod Composition Spreads Using Combinatorial Hydrothermal Synthesis and                                        Their Photocatalytic and Photoelectrochemical Applications”

2017                          18th International Union of Materials Research Societies International Conference in Asia (IUMRS-ICA) & 2017 MRS-T                                           Annual  Meeting, Taipei, Taiwan.

                                 “Fabrication of TiO2–Reduced Graphene Oxide Nanorod Composition Spreads Using Combinatorial Hydrothermal Synthesis and                                         Their Photocatalytic and Photoelectrochemical Applications”

2017                          Japan Advanced Institute of Science and Technology (JAIST)-NCKU Workshop, Komatsu, Japan

                                 “Nanocomposite Texture Control for Advanced Electronic Devices”

2016                          The 12th Cross-strait Seminar Thin-film Science and Technology, ChengDu, China

                                  “Piezopotential-Induced Schottky Behavior of Zn1-xSnO3 Nanowire Arrays and Piezophotocatalytic Application”

2016                          International Conference on Micro/Nano Optical Engineering-Taiwan (ICOME-T2016), Tainan, Taiwan.

                                  “Piezopotential-Induced Schottky Behavior of Zn1-xSnO3 Nanowire Arrays and Piezophotocatalytic Applications”

2016                          1st International NCKU-NIMS Workshop, Tsukuba, Japan.

                                  “Designed Two Dimensional (2D) Non-oxide Novel Materials by Soft Processing for Sustainable Energy Applications:

                                   Graphitic Carbon Nitride”

2016                          National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology (AIST), Tsukuba, Japan.

                                  “Novel Functional Materials Applied to Photocatalysis”

2016                          7th International Conferences on Modern Materials and Technologies (CIMTE), Perugia, Italy.

                                  “Exploration of Piezo-related Photocatalysis”

2015                          8th International Conference on Materials for Advanced Technologies (ICMAT- 2015 & IUMRS-ICA - 2015), Singapore.

                                 “Study of ZnSnO3-nanowire Piezophotocatalyst Using Two-step Hydrothermal Synthesis”

2014                         National Tsing Hwa University, Hsinchu, Taiwan.

                                “Research Activities at Combinatorial Thin-film Research Lab (CTRL)”

2014                         International Conference on New Materials, Nanotechnology and New Green Energy 2014, Taiwan.

                               “Exploration of Piezophotocatalyst of ZnSnO3 Nanowires Using Two-step Hydrothermal Synthesis”

2014                         International Symposium on nano-materials, Technology, and Applications, Hanoi, Vietnam.

                                 “Innovative Application of Sputtered HfO2-TiO2 Nanorod Arrays in Photocatalysis”

2013-2014                Taiwan Vacuum Society

                                 “Physical Vapor Deposition and its Applications to Electronic Devices”

2013                         Promotion Center for Global Materials Research (PCGMR) International Symposium, Tainan, Taiwan.

                                 “Direct Fabrication and Tuning of Nano-architectured Morphology of TiO2 
                                  Using Magnetron Sputtering and Its Application in Photocatalysis”

2013                         International Union of Materials Research Societies Taiwan(IUMRS-T)

                                 “Exploration of TiO2 Nanorods for Photocatalytic Applications”

2013                         International Conference on Advanced Materials (IUMRS-ICAM2013), Qingdao, China.

                                 “Hydrothermal of (Cr,N) codoped TiO2 Nanorods for Photocatalysis Applications”

2013                         Taiwan Association for Coating and Thin Film Technology (TACT) 2013
                                 International Thin Films Conference and Exhibition, Taipei, Taiwan.

                                 “Exploration of High Efficiency Photocatalytic TiO2 nanorods”

2013                         National Taiwan Ocean University

                                 “Combinatorial Methodology Applied in Exploration of? Functional Materials”

2012                         International Conference on Emerging Advanced Nanomaterials (ICEAN-2012), Australia

                                 “Exploration of Cr-TiO2 Nanorods Growth for Solar Applications”

2012                         National Taiwan University of Science and Technology

                                 “Exploration of electronic thin films using combinatorial methodology”

2011                         Taiwan Association for Coating and Thin Film Technology (TACT)

                                 2011 International Thin Films Conference and Exhibition, Pingtung, Taiwan.

                                 “Combinatorial Methodology for Exploring Advanced Gate Stack”

2010                         National Tsing Hwa University, Hsinchu, Taiwan.

                                 “(Ta,Al)N Metal Gate and HfO2-TiO2-Y2O3 High-k Dielectrics for the Advanced Gate Stacks
                                 Using Combinatorial Methodology”

2010                         National Cheng Kung University, Tainan, Taiwan.

                                 “Exploration of Metal Gate and High-k Dielectrics for the Advanced Gate Stacks Using Combinatorial Methodology”

2008                         Materials Research Society (MRS) Spring Conference, San Francisco, CA.

                                 “Combinatorial Study of Metal Gate Electrodes on HfO2 for the Advanced Gate Stack”

2008                         The Electrochemical Society (ECS) Conference, Phoenix, AZ.

                                 ”Combinatorial Methodology for the Exploration of Metal Gate Electrodes on HfO2 for the Advanced Gate Stack”

2008                         Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology (KAIST), Daejeon, Korea.

                                 “Combinatorial Methodology for the Exploration of Metal Gate Electrodes for the Advanced Gate Stack”

2008                         National Changhua University of Education, Changhua, Taiwan.

                                 “Combinatorial Methodology for the Exploration of Metal Gate Electrodes for the Advanced Gate Stack”

2005                         National Dong Hwa University, Hualien, Taiwan.

                                 “Exploring Functional Metal Oxide and Metal Thin Films by Combinatorial Methodologies”





2021                         7th International Solvothermal and Hydrothermal Association Conference (ISHA), Cancun, Mexico 2021.

2021                         30th International Society of Electrochemistry, Taipei, Taiwan 2021.

2017                         European Advanced Materials Congress (EAMC 2017), Sweden 2017.

2014                         4th International Solvothermal and Hydrothermal Association Conference (ISHA), Bordeaux, France 2014.

2013                         International Conference on Materials for Advanced Technologies (ICMAT), Singapore.

2012-2013                Japan-Taiwan Bilateral Workshop on Nano-Science 2012, Osaka/Kagoshima, Japan.

2012                         International Conference of Young Researchers on Advanced Materials (ICYRAM), Singapore.

2005-2009                Materials Research Society (MRS) Spring Conference, San Francisco, CA.

2007                         International Symposium on Advanced Gate Stack Technology, Dallas, TX.

1999-2007                Materials Research Society (MRS) Fall Conferences, Boston, MA.

2006                         The 4th International Workshop on on Combinatorial Materials Science and Technology, San Juan, Puerto Rico.

2006                         NIST Combinatorial Methods Center, NCMC-10 workshop, Gaithersburg, MD.

2005-2006                International Symposium on Advanced Gate Stack Technology, Austin, TX.

2003                         American Vacuum Society (AVS) 50th International Symposium, Baltimore, MD.

2003                         International Semiconductor Device Research Symposium (ISDRS), Georgetown, Washington, D. C.

2003                         MURI Conference, Univ. of Maryland, College Park, MD.

2002                         The 2nd US-Japan Workshop on Combinatorial Materials Science and Technology, Winter Park, CO.

2001                         American Physics Society (APS) Conference, Indianapolis, IN.



2022                         National Taipei University of Technology, Taipei, Taiwan

                                “Combinatorial Study of Next Generation Entropy Stabilized Materials for Metal-oxide-semiconductor Field Effect Transistor”

2019                         National Tsing Hwa University, Hsinchu, Taiwan.

                                “Materials Innovation Using High Throughput Methodologies”

2019                         National Chi Nan University, Nantou, Taiwan

                                “Materials Innovation Using High Throughput Methodologies”

2019                         National Taipei University of Technology, Taipei, Taiwan

                                “Materials Innovation Using High Throughput Methodologies (Part II)”

2018                         National Formosa University, Yunlin, Taiwan

                                “Materials Innovation Using High Throughput Methodologies”

2017                         National Taipei University of Technology, Taipei, Taiwan

                                “Fabrication of TiO2–Reduced Graphene Oxide Nanorod Composition Spreads Using Combinatorial Hydrothermal                                                               Synthesis and Their Photocatalytic and Photoelectrochemical Applications”

2017                         National Yunlin University of Science and Technology, Yunlin, Taiwan

                                “Materials Innovation Using High Throughput Methodologies”

2014                         National Tsing Hwa University, Hsinchu, Taiwan.

                                “Research Activities at Combinatorial Thin-film Research Lab (CTRL)”

2013                         National Taiwan Ocean University

                                “Combinatorial Methodology Applied in Exploration of  Functional Materials”

2012                         National Taiwan University of Science and Technology

                                “Exploration of electronic thin films using combinatorial methodology”

2010                         National Tsing Hwa University, Hsinchu, Taiwan.

                                “(Ta,Al)N Metal Gate and HfO2-TiO2-Y2O3 High-k Dielectrics for the Advanced Gate Stacks Using Combinatorial                                                               Methodology”

2010                         National Cheng Kung University, Tainan, Taiwan.

                                “Exploration of Metal Gate and High-k Dielectrics for the Advanced Gate Stacks Using Combinatorial Methodology”

                                “Combinatorial Methodology for the Exploration of Metal Gate Electrodes for the Advanced Gate Stack”

2008                         National Changhua University of Education, Changhua, Taiwan.

                                “Combinatorial Methodology for the Exploration of Metal Gate Electrodes for the Advanced Gate Stack”

2005                         National Dong Hwa University, Hualien, Taiwan.

                                “Exploring Functional Metal Oxide and Metal Thin Films by Combinatorial Methodologies”


2023                         Advisor: Best PhD Thesis International Solvothermal and Hydrothermal Association (ISHA) 2023 Award (Spain) (student: Thi Nghi                                     Nhan Nguyen)

2023                         Advisor: Overseas Internship Program (Osaka University, Japan) (student: 何銘軒)

2023                         Advisor: Excellence in Oral Competition at the YAGEO Corporation Thesis Competition - Advanced Passive Components (student:                                     Van Dung Nguyen)

2022                         Advisor: Excellence in Oral Competition at the Taiwan Association for Coating and Thin Film Technology (TACT) 2022 Thin Films                                     Conference and Exhibition, Nantou, Taiwan. (student: Van Dung Nguyen)

2022                         Advisor: Excellence in Poster Competition at the Taiwan Association for Coating and Thin Film Technology (TACT) 2022 Thin Films                                   Conference and Exhibition, Nantou, Taiwan. (student: 吳芷蝶)

2022                         Advisor: Silver Award at the Microstructure and image competition of 2022 Materials Research Society「鎢。鴉 Tungsten crow」                                       (student: 邱彥倫、張賀淇、陳佑瑜、侯昱全)

2022                         Advisor: Overseas Internship Program (Japan Advanced Institute of Science and Technology, JAIST, Japan) (student: 邱彥倫)

2022                         Advisor: The Phi Tau Phi Scholastic Honor Society Award 2022 (student: 朱奕靜)

2022                         Advisor: Excellence in Oral Competition at the YAGEO Corporation Thesis Competition - Advanced Passive Components (student:                                     Van Dung Nguyen)

2021                         Best Poster Award: advisor

                                 Taiwan Association for Coating and Thin Film Technology (TACT) 2021 International Thin Films Conference and Exhibition, Taipei,                                   Taiwan.    

2021                         Excellent Poster Award: advisor

                                 Taiwan Association for Coating and Thin Film Technology (TACT) 2021 International Thin Films Conference and Exhibition, Taipei,                                   Taiwan.

2021                        Materials Research Society-Taiwan International Conference (2021 MRSTIC)

                               「變色龍先生與牠的伙伴Mr. Chameleon and his buddy」


2018-2020                Reviewer

                                 Ministry of Science and Technology (MOST), Taiwan

2019                         NCKU outstanding research grant

2017, 2019               Honorarium of Outstanding Talent

                                 Ministry of Science and Technology (MOST), Taiwan

2017, 2019               Honorarium of Outstanding Talent

                                 Ministry of Education (MOE), Taiwan

2017                         Journal cover story

                                 ACS Combinatorial Science, 19, 585 (2017)

2017                         Thin Film Society (TFS) Special Award (5th/41): advisor.

                                 TACT 2017: The 5th International Thin Film Conference, Hualien, Taiwan.

2016                         Excellent Poster Award: advisor

                                Taiwan Association for Coating and Thin Film Technology (TACT)

                                 2016 Thin Films Conference and Exhibition, Pengtung, Taiwan.     

2015-2017                Outstanding Teaching Award

                                 Department of Materials Science and Engineering (MSE)

                                 National Cheng Kung University (NCKU)

2015                         Thesis Competition Award: advisor

                                 Title: Exploration of Synergistic Piezo-photocatalytic Properties of ZnSnO3 Nanowires

                                 ASE Cultural & Educational Foundation

2013                         Undergraduate project advisor: Porite Poster Award

                                 Department of Materials Science and Engineering (MSE)

                                 National Cheng Kung University (NCKU)

2013                         Outstanding Teaching Award

                                 Department of Materials Science and Engineering (MSE)

                                 National Cheng Kung University (NCKU)

2010                         Materials Science & Engineering Laboratory (MSEL) Associate Award,

                                 National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST).

                                 “For development of combinatorial methodologies that enable rapid measurement of critical electrical parameters of
                                 the advanced gate stack for Si microelectronic devices”.

2007-2010                Grant awarded by National Institute of Standards and Technology NIST).


2005                         Best poster nominee in Materials Research Society (MRS) Fall

                                 Conferences, Boston, MA.

2004                         Invention of the year finalist, “Continuously Graded Thin Films for Functionally Broadband Device Arrays”,
                                 Univ. of Maryland, College Park, MD.

2003                         Goldhaber Travel Grant, U. of Maryland, College Park, MD (2003).

2003                         Dorothy M. and Earl S. Hoffman Travel Grant for AVS, 50thInternational Symposium, Baltimore, MD.

2001                         Graduate Research Interaction Day (GRID) Competition, 3rd place, Univ.of Maryland, College Park, MD.

1994                         raduate Research Fellowship, National Chiao Tung Univ., Hsinchu, Taiwan.





2007                         U.S. patent number: US 7309644.

                                 “System and Method of Fabrication and Application of Thin-films with Continuously Graded or
                                 Discrete Physical Property Parameters to Functionally Broadband Monolithic Microelectronic

                                 Optoelectronic/Sensor/Actuator Device Arrays”.




2013-2015                Materials Research Society of Singapore (MRS-S)

2011-now                 Materials Research Society (MRS)-Taiwan.

2011-now                 Taiwan Association for Coatings and Thin Films Technology (TACT)

1999-2010                Materials Research Society (MRS).

2008                         The Electrochemical Society (ECS).

2003                         American Vacuum Society (AVS).

2001                         American Physical Society (APS).





1. MOST 111-2221-E-006-168-MY3 (8/1/2024~7/31/2025): Hydrothermal-based Synthesis of All Inorganic Perovskite Films and Junctions Through Morphology Control and Energy Band Maneuvering and Their Applications in Sensor-, Environment-, and Energy-related Fields (MOST). (3/3)

2. NCKU project Comprehensive enhancement of cleaning capability for clinical environment and elimination of healthcare-associated infections through interdisciplinary collaboration (1/1/2024~12/31/2024). Co-PI.

3. MOST 111-2221-E-006-168-MY3 (8/1/2023~7/31/2024): Hydrothermal-based Synthesis of All Inorganic Perovskite Films and Junctions Through Morphology Control and Energy Band Maneuvering and Their Applications in Sensor-, Environment-, and Energy-related Fields (MOST). (2/3)

4. MOST 112-2224-E-006-003- (8/1/2023~7/31/2024): Meet the future demands: Multifaceted essence of high entropy materials (MOST), Co-PI. (3/3)

5. NSTC 112-2221-E-006-055 (8/1/2023~7/31/2024):學門主題式計畫-AI-assisted High Throughput Exploration of Novel Dielectrics for Beyond 5G and 6G Wireless Telecommunication and Automotive Radar, PI.

6. NCKU project (D112-F2507) Comprehensive enhancement of cleaning capability for clinical environment and elimination of healthcare-associated infections through interdisciplinary collaboration (4/1/2023~12/31/2023). Co-PI.

7. MOST 111-2221-E-006-168-MY3 (8/1/2022~7/31/2023): Hydrothermal-based Synthesis of All Inorganic Perovskite Films and Junctions Through Morphology Control and Energy Band Maneuvering and Their Applications in Sensor-, Environment-, and Energy-related Fields (MOST). (1/3)

8. MOST 111-2224-E-006-005 (8/1/2022~7/31/2023): Meet the future demands: Multifaceted essence of high entropy materials (MOST), Co-PI. (2/3)

9. NCKUH-11202029 總院-口腔醫學部 (1/1/2023~12/31/2024): 驗證新型光觸媒感染控制能力, co-PI.

10. NCKUH-11102026 總院-口腔醫學部 (1/1/2022~12/31/2022): 開發新型光觸媒解決牙科感染控制難題, co-PI.

11. MOST 110-2224-E-006-005 (8/1/2021~7/31/2022): Meet the future demands: Multifaceted essence of high entropy materials (MOST), Co-PI. (1/3)

12. MOST 109-2221-E-006-129 (8/1/2020~7/31/2021): Combinatorial hydrothermal synthesis of various morphologies and phases of BN and BN-based composite films and their applications in monolithic multichannel functional devices (MOST).

13. MOST 109-2224-E-006-007 (8/1/2020~7/31/2021): Next Generation Entropy Stabilized Materials (MOST), co-PI. (3/3)

14. MOST 108-2218-E-006-023 (8/1/2019~7/31/2020): Next Generation Entropy Stabilized Materials (MOST), co-PI. (2/3)

15. MOST 107-2218-E-006-047 (8/1/2018~7/31/2019): Next Generation Entropy Stabilized Materials (MOST), co-PI. (1/3)

16. MOST 109-2813-C-006-115-E (7/1/2020~2/28/2021): 射頻反應磁控式濺鍍製備高熵氧化物 (Al,Ti,Zr,Ta,Hf)Ox先進閘極氧化介電層 (undergraduate project).

17. MOST 106-2221-E-006-053-MY3 (8/1/2019~7/31/2020): Nanocomposite Texture Control for Advanced Electronic Devices (MOST). (3/3)

18. MOST 106-2221-E-006-053-MY3 (8/1/2018~7/31/2019): Nanocomposite Texture Control for Advanced Electronic Devices (MOST). (2/3)

19. MOST 106-2221-E-006-053-MY3 (8/1/2017~7/31/2018): Nanocomposite Texture Control for Advanced Electronic Devices (MOST). (1/3)

20. MOST 105-2221-E-006-028 (8/1/2016~7/31/2017): Exploration of Enhanced Charge Carrier ransport in High Dielectric Constant–TiO2 Nanorod Composite Composition Spreads and Their Photocatalytic and Photoelectrochemical Applications (MOST).

21. MOST 105-2923-E-006-005-MY2 (4/1/2017~3/31/2018): Designed Two Dimensional (2D) Non-oxide Novel Materials by Soft Processing for Sustainable Energy Applications (MOST), co-PI. (2/2)

22. MOST 105-2923-E-006-005-MY2 (4/1/2016~3/31/2017): Designed Two Dimensional (2D) Non-oxide Novel Materials by Soft Processing for Sustainable Energy Applications (MOST), co-PI. (1/2)

23. MOST 104-2221-E-006-025 (8/1/2015~7/31/2016): Physical and Chemical Characterization of Nanostructured ZnSnO3 Piezophotocatalyst (MOST).

24. MOST 104-2815-C-006-116-E (7/1/2015~2/28/2016): Piezophototronic Characteristics of Nanostructured BiFeO3 (undergraduate project).

25. MOST 103-2221-E-006-092 (8/1/2014~7/31/2015): Exploration of Nano-structured Piezo-photocatalyst of ZnSnO3: Novel Application of The Piezo-phototronic Effect (MOST).

26. NSC-102-2633-E-006-001 (10/1/2013~9/30/2014): Synergistic Photocatalysis of High Dielectric Constant (High-k) Nanostructure Materials (NSC).

27. NSC-102-2221-E-006-073 (8/1/2013~7/31/2014): High Throughput Mapping of Multi-element Nano-structured Thin Films Applied in Advanced Metal-oxide-semiconductor (MOS) and Photocatalytic Devices (NSC).

28. 2012-2015, Electroplated Cu2ZnSnS4 and the resulting solar cells (NCKU and Delta Electronics, Inc. (台達電子)).

29. NSC-101-2221-E-006-132 (7/31/2012~8/1/2013): Combinatorial methodology applied in exploration of novel nano-structured thin films for advanced gate stacks and solar cells (NSC).

30. NSC-100-2221-E-006-145 (7/31/2011~8/1/2012): High-throughput screening of novel electronic metal-oxide thin films for advanced gate stacks (NSC).

31. 2011-2012, Ultra-high-aspect-ratio nanomaterials for energy application (NCKU).

32. NSC-99-2218-E-006-254 (11/1/2010~7/31/2011): Exploration of novel electronic metal and metal-oxide thin films applied in the field of advanced gate stacks using combinatorial methodology (NSC).




‧ Prof. I. Takeuchi, Univ. of Maryland, MD. USA. (301) 405-6809,

‧ Dr. Martin Green, NIST, MD, USA. (301) 975-8496,

‧ Dr. Toyohiro Chikyo, NIMS, Japan, +81-29-860-4725,

‧ Distinguished Chair Prof. Masahiro Yoshimura, NCKU, Taiwan, +886-6-2757575,ext. 62013,

‧ Chair Prof. Jow-Lay Huang, NCKU, Taiwan, +886-6-2348188,

· Distinguished Prof. Jyh-Ming Ting, NCKU, Taiwan, +886-6-2757575 x 62949,



 Address: No.36, Ln. 56, Sec. 1, Linsen Rd., East Dist., Tainan City 70150, Taiwan.

 Home: +886-6-237-8165

 Cell: 0988-722-957

 Work: +886-6-2757575 ext. 62922



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